Antwort Do you marry in Fire Emblem Engage? Weitere Antworten – Can you have children in Fire Emblem

Do you marry in Fire Emblem Engage?
Once the relationship status reaches "S" rank, the characters will marry, if able. After marriage, you can recruit your pair's children in Paralogues on the world map. If you don't marry off your characters, many of Fire Emblem Awakening's Paralogues (Side Quests) will not be available to play.Lucina, along with the rest of the children characters, does not have a unique child herself, BUUUUUT…. If you marry her to a male (obviously) MU, she will still bear a daughter, Female Morgan. Morgan will always inherit Aether from Lucina, btw, regardless of her skill order.When there is a good bond between your characters of different genders (S-Rank support which is higher than an A), they will be able to get married and have children.

What is the best pairing for female Robin : Chrom

Robin x Chrom is pretty much the best pairing you can do in the game, both for Robin and for Chrom. It gives the best possible Lucina, who is generally the most useful kid, and gives a very good Morgan (able to start with the two best skills, Veteran and Galeforce).

Are there child units in engage

No, half are platonic and Engage doesn't allow adoption. It appears to be like Three Houses but potentially more downplayed. There are no child units.

Can you romance anyone in Fire Emblem Engage : Quick Links. A long staple in the series, Fire Emblem: Engage features the return of unique S-supports and romance. Finally, you'll be able to romance whomever you wish, and unlike previous titles, you'll be able to spend the last few chapters swashbuckling the Corrupted with your chosen partner.

Interestingly, if all of Chrom's suitors are married off and Olivia has no contact with him in chapter 11 (or she dies), Chrom will marry some random village girl. Chrom can only marry Sumia, Sully, female Robin, Maribelle, or Olivia. It goes the same way like other supports.

If Male Robin marries Lucina and makes a female Morgan (Chrom's granddaughter) she can then marry Inigo or Brady (Chrom's Sons). Or a more likely incest pairing you've done, Owain (Lissa's son they'd be uncle and niece).

Can I romance in Fire Emblem Engage

While you won't fight against Alear, completing their paralogue will net you the pact ring that you can give to any companion with an “A” rank, thus allowing you to “romance” them.Regardless of your character's gender, you will be able to build a romance with:

  • Alfred (male)
  • Bunet (male)
  • Chloe (female)
  • Citrinne (female)
  • Goldmary (female)
  • Diamant (male)
  • Ivy (female)
  • Jade (female)

Her ship with female Robin is not possible in canon and while it has some following, it's not as popular considering that female Robin can be Lucina's mother if paired with Chrom. People have different opinions to this ship due to the fact that Lucina travels from the future and marries someone from the past.


Marrying Chrom is the only way for female Robin to have two children: Lucina and Morgan. Chrom and Robin "pair up" in Super Smash Bros. for Robin's final smash.

Is there romance in engage : Quick Links. A long staple in the series, Fire Emblem: Engage features the return of unique S-supports and romance. Finally, you'll be able to romance whomever you wish, and unlike previous titles, you'll be able to spend the last few chapters swashbuckling the Corrupted with your chosen partner.

Why are there so many children in Fire Emblem Engage : Engage does not have a weirdly large amount of child characters. It is firmly in the normal range for Fire Emblem as a whole. Combination of the game's artstyle, and possibly a leftover mechanic from earlier in the development cycle.

Can you romance girls as a girl in Fire Emblem Engage

Unlike other games in the Fire Emblem series, the new game doesn't have any gender limits when it comes to relationships – you can give any other character the Pact Ring and partner up with them.

Thanks. Engage has better gameplay, but less customisation and is less replayable. Formerly known as maro_man aka lugi_lad. Three Houses has a much better and nuanced story, more interesting characters and several routes to play/replay through, while Engage has better gameplay/combat and prettier visuals.Many consider Olivia the best, but Sumia is a close second. Did you actually train Sumia He stats affect Lucina's starting bases. Olivia is only for caps and skills.

Who kills Chrom : Chrom Was Killed By Vaildar's Grimleal.