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What are IFRS 9 models?
IFRS 9 requires models for the calculation of 12 months Expected Credit Risk Losses and Life Time Expected Losses. The so-called Expected Credit Loss (ECL) models enable banks to trace financial assets after initial recognition until their final maturity. Three different stages are recognized in the IFRS9 model.According to IFRS 9, a company's business model refers to how an entity manages its financial assets in order to generate cash flows. It determines whether cash flows will result from collecting contractual cash flows, selling financial assets or both. An entity's business model is a matter of fact.IFRS 9 allows the use of practical expedients when measuring ECLs under the simplified approach – e.g. using a provision matrix. A company that applies a provision matrix may be applying segmentation to capture the significantly different historical credit loss experience for different customer segments.

What are IFRS 9 policies : IFRS 9 amends some of the requirements of IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures including adding disclosures about investments in equity instruments designated as at FVTOCI, disclosures on risk management activities and hedge accounting and disclosures on credit risk management and impairment.

What is the difference between IRB and IFRS 9 models

Although IFRS 9 describes principles for calculating expected credit losses, it is not prescribed exactly how to calculate these losses. This in contrast to the IRB requirements, which prescribe how to calculate (un)expected credit losses.

What is the IFRS 9 hedge accounting model : IFRS 9 requires the existence of an economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument. So there must be an expectation that the value of the hedging instrument and the value of the hedged item would move in the opposite direction as a result of the common underlying or hedged risk.

A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers and captures value. It can be described through 9 building blocks: Customer Segments, Value Propositions, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partnerships & Cost Structure.

Classification and Measurement of Financial Assets: IAS 39's classification system, based on the purpose for holding a financial asset, was replaced by IFRS 9's simpler model, which bases classification on the asset's contractual cash flow characteristics and the business model in which it is held.

What are the key requirements of IFRS 9

IFRS 9 'Financial Instruments' key features

  • Introduction of new measurement requirements for financial instruments, with a different mixture of amortised cost and fair value.
  • A new forward looking expected loss impairment model, which requires consideration of macroeconomic data and forecasts of future events.

The objective of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments is to establish principles for the financial reporting of financial assets and financial liabilities that will present relevant and useful information to users of financial statements for their assessment of the amounts, timing and uncertainty of an entity's future cash …The internal ratings-based approach to credit risk allows banks to model their own inputs for calculating risk-weighted assets from credit exposures to retail, corporate, financial institution and sovereign borrowers, subject to supervisory approval.

There are three types of hedge accounting: fair value hedges, cash flow hedges and hedges of the net investment in a foreign operation.

  • Fair Value Hedge. The risk being hedged in a fair value hedge is a change in the fair value of an asset or a liability.
  • Cash Flows Hedges.
  • Hedges of net investment in a foreign operation.

What is the IFRS 9 model for credit risk : IFRS 9 requires an institution to immediately recognize a 12-month ECL from a financial asset at the first reporting date after origination, and create an allowance to cover such loss. The expected credit loss is to be covered by provisions, and unexpected loss is to be covered by capital.

What are the main business models : Types of business models and examples

  • Retailer model. A retailer is the last link in the supply chain.
  • Fee-for-service model.
  • Subscription model.
  • Bundling model.
  • Product-as-a-service model.
  • Leasing model.
  • Franchise model.
  • Advertising or affiliate marketing model.

Are there different types of business models

Models generally include information like products or services the business plans to sell, target markets, and any anticipated expenses. There are dozens of types of business models including retailers, manufacturers, fee-for-service, or freemium providers.

Hedging instruments The main difference in IFRS 9 compared to IAS 39 is that the inclusion of non-derivative financial instruments measured at FVTPL can be eligible hedging instruments.Overall, the IFRS 9 financial asset classification requirements are considered more principle based than under IAS 39. under IFRS 9 is required only when an entity changes its business model for managing financial assets and is prohibited for financial liabilities; hence, reclassifications are expected to be vary rare.

What are the types of financial assets IFRS 9 : IFRS 9 classifies financial assets into three categories: amortized cost, fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI), and fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL). Each category has different accounting treatment.