Antwort What is bad etiquette in Germany? Weitere Antworten – What is considered rude in Germany

What is bad etiquette in Germany?
Basic Etiquette

It is rude to chew gum or keep one's hands in one's pockets whilst talking with someone. Cross your legs by putting one knee over the other. It is impolite to rest your feet on furniture. Tight punctuality (Pünktlichkeit) is expected in most professional and social situations.Germans are more formal and punctual than most of the world. They have prescribed roles and seldom step out of line. A man or younger person should always walk to the left side of a lady. Traditional good manners call for the man to walk in front of a woman when walking into a public place.A quick, firm handshake is the traditional greeting. Titles are very important and denote respect. Use a person's title and their surname until invited to use their first name. You should say Herr or Frau and the person's title and their surname.

What are some taboos in Germany : 9 taboos you need to know when travelling to Germany

  • Working illegally.
  • Tax evasion.
  • Violence against children.
  • Making noise.
  • Bargaining at the supermarket.
  • Feeding animals indiscriminately.
  • “Rubber-time”
  • Taking pictures and getting close to strange children.

Is it rude to eat in public in Germany

No, as long as you are not littering around or creating a lot of noise, eating in public on a bench not considered bad manners. A lot of people enjoy these moments with nature where they will grill in a garden or eat outside on a sunny day. So, it is indeed very much in culture.

What are German cultural taboos : Even if the child is open-minded, you can't touch, cuddle or feed them without their parents' permission. Another taboo is that it is not allowed to take pictures of children without permission because it can be considered an invasion of privacy.

German people tend to be thrifty, be sensible, and respect one another's privacy, and they typically respect the structure and laws of society to an above-average degree. There is no place that this sense of 'order' is more apparent than in German business culture.

It's considered polite to keep both hands (but no elbows!) on the table while resting during a meal, and not holding one hand on your lap. Eating with the fork in your left hand and the knife in your right is also mannerly, not switching back and forth. You toast by holding the stem of a wine glass, not its globe.

How can I impress a German person


  1. Use the proper greetings and goodbyes.
  2. Formal vs. informal: Use Sie when in doubt.
  3. Punctuality: Don't be early, don't be late.
  4. Dress the part.
  5. Don't stare at the naked people.
  6. Don't misinterpret the more reserved attitude.
  7. Get some “house shoes.”
  8. Keep an open mind about closed doors.

Common taboos involve restrictions or ritual regulation of killing and hunting; sex and sexual relationships; reproduction; the dead and their graves; as well as food and dining (primarily cannibalism and dietary laws such as vegetarianism, kashrut, and halal) or religious (treif and haram).There are four major types of taboos namely religious taboos, social taboos, legal taboos and sexual taboos. The taboos describe different facets of society but they simply indicate that there are things that are prohibited.

It is common for couples of the same or dif- ferent sex to show affection in public. This includes holding hands and sometimes kissing or cuddling in public. This is accep- ted and acceptable behavior.

Can we kiss in public in Germany : Public displays of affection in Germany

When you meet in Germany, relatives and good friends may kiss each other on the cheek when they meet. Everyone else – men and women – gets a handshake. Social kissing is gaining in popularity though, to the alarm of the Knigge Society, a social etiquette group.

What are common German stereotypes : Some stereotypes work their countrymen and women hard. Not so, German stereotypes. They're just expected to be humourless, punctual and uptight. Make one joke a week and they're the office comedian. Arrive ten minutes late for a business meeting and they're social renegades.

How do Germans express love

Let's start with the most straightforward way of expressing your feelings. Ich liebe dich is the traditional way to say “I love you” in German. It's appropriate to use it in serious, long-term relationships as well as with family and friends. Ich liebe dich auch.

Room even in winter. The majority of Germans report getting a good night's sleep although 55 said that they would love an afternoon. Nap.It's important to remember that both men and women from Germany are attracted to people who are comfortable with themselves and confident in what they are doing with their life. Be ready to express your passion for your career and desire to advance yourself – German women will find this incredibly attractive.

How do you know if a German likes you : Germans value honesty, and she'll be direct if she likes you. If you're important to her, she'll speak openly about her feelings toward you. So, keep the door open because you never know when she'll let her feelings be known!