Antwort What is DynamoDB vs RDS? Weitere Antworten – What is the difference between DynamoDB and RDS

What is DynamoDB vs RDS?
The main difference between the two services is that Amazon RDS is designed for use with relational databases. In contrast, DynamoDB is intended for use with non-relational databases. RDS is more expensive than DynamoDB but offers more features and flexibility.Relational (SQL) vs Non-Relational (NoSQL) In short, relational databases use predefined schema and store data in rows and columns like a spreadsheet, whereas non-relational databases such as DynamoDB have dynamic schema, are document-oriented, and scale horizontally.Developers can use Amazon DynamoDB to build modern, serverless applications that can start small and scale globally. Amazon DynamoDB scales to support tables of virtually any size with automated horizontal scaling. Amazon DynamoDB consistently handles more than 10 trillion requests per day.

Is DynamoDB a database : DynamoDB is a key-value NoSQL database. Primarily This makes it Amazon's preferred database for simple and fast data models, such as managing user profile data, or web session information for applications that need to quickly retrieve any amount of data at Internet scale.

Why DynamoDB is better than RDS

With DynamoDB, AWS will take care of all the “behind-the-scenes” management to ensure your key-value pair database runs smoothly and without a lot of overhead. It is a great solution for unstructured data as opposed to RDS which is meant for well-structured data but we'll get into all of that below.

What is the advantage of DynamoDB over RDS : Data Structure and Complexity:

RDS: Ideal for structured and complex relational data where predefined schemas and SQL queries are essential. DynamoDB: Suited for flexible and dynamic data structures, especially in NoSQL databases, accommodating evolving and varied data formats.

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) is a managed SQL database service that automates all the time-consuming administration tasks such as provisioning, setup, patching, and backups.

When not to use DynamoDB: When multi-item or cross table transactions are required. When complex queries and joins are required.

What are the disadvantages of DynamoDB

  • Weak querying model, querying data is extremely limited.
  • Lack of server-side scripts.
  • Table Joins – Joins are impossible, Triggerless.
  • Hard to predict cost when that usage might spike, it's not unheard of, to get caught with unexpected costs.
  • Provisioned throughput and batch jobs don't work well together.

RDS vs DynamoDB Summed Up

RDS makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database. DynamoDB is an AWS fully-managed, high-performance, NoSQL database.No, DynamoDB is a non-relational database. It is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

DynamoDB vs Amazon RDS – Key Takeaways

If you have structured data that requires ACID transactions and support for SQL queries, Amazon RDS may be a better fit. However, if you have large amounts of unstructured or semi-structured data with high scalability and throughput needs, DynamoDB may be a better fit.

What is DynamoDB not good for : Unable to Use Table Joins. DynamoDB has limited options for querying the data within its tables and restricts the complexity of the queries. The database service makes it impossible to query information from multiple tables as it does not support table joins.

How to choose between RDS and DynamoDB : Data Structure and Complexity:

  1. RDS: Ideal for structured and complex relational data where predefined schemas and SQL queries are essential.
  2. DynamoDB: Suited for flexible and dynamic data structures, especially in NoSQL databases, accommodating evolving and varied data formats.

Is DynamoDB part of RDS

With RDS you can choose from a wide variety of instance types and database engines. For example, when using RDS you could launch a relational database like AWS Aurora or MySQL. DynamoDB differs from RDS in this aspect as DynamoDB is both the service and database engine.

Answer. DynamoDB is a NoSQL database provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is a fast, scalable, and flexible cloud-based database that allows developers to store and retrieve any amount of data, and serve any level of request traffic.DynamoDB will work well in a lot of various scenarios, but you need to be aware of the downsides. Primarily, that it doesn't allow for traditional SQL queries and access patterns, which means for things like free-text search or ad-hoc queries, you'll likely need to export data to a different system.

When should I avoid DynamoDB : When not to use DynamoDB:

  1. When multi-item or cross table transactions are required.
  2. When complex queries and joins are required.
  3. When real-time analytics on historic data is required.